Over the years, me and my fussy pooch have developed a good understanding of each other, what we like and what we don't like. Kind of like a married couple, but without the arguments about who leaves the toilet seat in the wrong position.
So I feel uniquely qualified to tell anyone who wants to listen how to buy a dog bed that your pet will love. So here goes.
Washable Dog Bed
The woods are a messy place, so it is important that we are able to wash the dirt off the bed. It can also get pretty cold out there so I like to make sure that the bed is nice and cozy for her to sleep comfortably.
I really like the Brinkman Pet Paw Print bed, which is superbly practical, being washable, and looks cute as well!
I've lost count of the number of times I've machine-washed it, and it still looks great
Cozy Cave Dog Bed
During the harsh winter of 2007 I improvised with extra blankets to make sure that fido kept cozy in her bed at night. If only I had discovered the "Snoozer Luxury Cozy Cave" back then...After she chewed my human bedding to shreds, I was forced to go out and buy a cave-style bed so that the cold air didn't get to her sensitive ears. How she cries at night if her ears are cold!
The cozy cave dog bed is perfect for keeping warm on those long cold nights of winter. It can sometimes take a little getting used to for the dog, but once she does, you'll find it very difficult to get her back out again. At least not without the aid of a bag of doggie treats!
L L Bean Dog Bed
I you're looking for a stylish yet practical dog bed that will stand the test of time (as well as the test of your favorite family pet), then you should look no further than the premium denim dog bed set from LL Bean.This beautiful dog bed is so simple in design and looks fantastic on my living room floor. It comes in a fetching blue color, which I really like because it doesn't show up the grime as easily as lighter colours. It also matches the color of my dog's coat (kidding, my dog doesn't really have blue fur)!
But seriously, though, I would recommend any of the three beds mentioned here.
If style is your main concern, go with the LL Bean, for practicality, the washable number above is your best bet, and for pure cozy wrm comfort, the cozy cave is the one to go for.
Click on one of the links to buy yours now!
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